The Best Magneto Scan Detectors

Magneto Scan System
A new revolution in Metal Detectors Technology
This system detects metal targets and vacuum caves that have caused a change in the natural magnetic body in the soil, through which this system can detect buried metals and artificial spaces underground and determine it on the screen if the detected target is a buried metal or a void, The magneto scan system is often used in confined spaces or near signals indicating the presence of targets and is used to confirm the presence of the target and set the drilling point.

More than 50.000.00 devices of BR Detector products have been sold the last decade which puts us to be the best globally.

Gold Step PRO MAX

Le dispositif le plus célèbre au monde et le plus largement utilisé par les chercheurs d'or et de métaux précieux sous terre, le dispositif Gold Step, dans sa version précédente

5 Search systems

2000 Meters Distance

50 Meters Depth

BR 100 Pro

BR 100 Pro, la nouvelle version, est une technologie moderne qui combine des systèmes de détection à longue portée et une détection verticale des cibles. Cet appareil est une option très pratique

3 Search systems

1000 Meters Distance

30 Meters Depth

BR Detection Systems Technology